I am blessed to be the mother of two boys. When I found out that I was expecting my first, I knew that I would need to learn to deal with muddy shoes, insects, stinky smells. After all…aren’t we told that “snakes and snails, and puppy dog tails…that’s what little boys are made of?” When I learned that we were having our second son, I decided to accept the fact that there were going to be some seriously messy things in our house and that I would just have to learn how to deal with it.
We have had our share of messes. We have had one son walk all the way across the house with his toe bleeding, oblivious to the fact that he was smearing blood all down the hall. They come inside and tell me that they “forgot” to put shoes on before going out and playing in the dirt, so white socks have now turned brown. Yogurts break in backpacks and aren’t reported until the next day. They walk to our room to tell us they are sick and end up getting sick in the hall. We have even had one of our sons bring the head of a dead duck into the house!
These are some seriously messy scenarios. All of these messes were cleaned in a safe Norwex way…soaking socks in Norwex Ultra Power Plus to turn them white again, cleaning out backpacks or carpeting with the enviro cloth…and I have to admit that we have used our share of Odor Eliminator (after all…they are BOYS!)
There are also the everyday messes…spilled milk or juice, tiny food-fights, splashing water all over the bathroom, toothpaste in the sink and on the mirror, mud tracked across the hardwood floor or carpet, grass stains in clothing, … the list could go on and on.
What excites me is that the majority of messes that my boys make, THEY CAN CLEAN THEMSELVES!
I walked into the kitchen this morning and found one of my sons on the floor with a wet enviro cloth, scrubbing. He had spilled some juice all over the hardwood floor. Instead of using paper towels and creating waste, he got an enviro cloth, got it wet with warm water, and took care of cleaning up the mess. It warms my heart, especially right before Mother’s Day, to see my sons able to take the initiative to clean up after themselves. To know that they are doing it in a way that is safe, and also saves money and eliminates waste…that’s AMAZING!
I love the fact that I can hand my boys two cloths (an enviro cloth and window cloth) and send them into their bathroom and they can actually CLEAN it! With those two cloths, they can clean their mirror, wash the sink, wipe down the counter top and tub, and even clean the floor around the toilet! They are learning skills of self sufficiency while I am saving time and becoming a much happier mom! They do help with the dusting sometimes as well, with the Norwex Kids Dusting Mitt, but this is a story about THEIR messes, not mine.
I am so blessed to have two wonderful sons, messes and all, but I do admit that I love the fact that they can now “clean it themselves!!”
How has Norwex changed your family’s cleaning habits? Do your children help clean up after themselves more than they did prior to Norwex? I’d love to hear your stories!
You’re boys sound like the perfect helpers for Mom! I agree, Norwex is amazing at cleaning up ALL messes (no matter how big)! Just this week, one of the boys I nanny, while in the car with dad, completely vomited ALL OVER! He got it on his clothes, the car, and his father… Needless to say, a lot of cleaning needed to be done. When they got home, as the son was cleaning himself off in the shower, dad got out the Norwex. He used the Enviro Cloth to get the ‘mess’ gone, and they got out the Sportzyme to get rid of the stink!
I love Norwex! And from that story, I’m sold on the Sportzyme with getting rid of stinky smells!
I have a 5 years old daughter who is exactly the same way. She cannot sit down at our GLASS dining room table without smearing something on it from peanut butter to syrup. I have the enviro cloth and window cloth. Hot water on the enviro cloth dried by the window cloth brings my glass table back to squeaky and streak free clean!
I have 1 son and 2 daughters. My son is 20 and just moved out, but my daughters are 3 and 5 months. Yes, quite a span of ages! Anyway, my son used to do all of the stuff you mentioned and now my 3 year old daughter is doing it all too! At the end of the day it’s like a tidal wave hit our house. I don’t have an enviro cloth, but it seems like a good idea.
Oh the joys of parenthood, I guess all of us parents have been there and one thing is for sure the mess will keep on coming. It is just nice to know that we have product we can trust.
I used to send my daughters and dog out of the room when I was cleaning floors and bathrooms because I didn’t want them touching and spreading around the unsafe chemicals. Using Norwex, they can do it themselves– and they do!