My family eats a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables. My husband takes a few pieces of fresh fruit to work every day, and my children each take a fruit item (usually an apple) to school for their mid-morning snack each day.
Prior to Norwex, I did give some thought to cleaning our produce. We ran everything under some hot water and considered it adequate. I’ve since learned that many of our fruits and vegetables come home from the grocery store with nasty companions…pesticide residue and bacteria! Yuck!!
The “Dirty Dozen”; the foods with most pesticide residue include:
- Pears
- Grapes
- Peppers
- Cherries
- Celery
- Lettuce
- Nectarines
- Peaches
- Apples
- Kale
- Cherries
- Strawberries
It scared me to see this list; these are items that we eat every day! Luckily; Norwex has an amazing Norwex Fresh Wash to clean our produce. The Norwex Fresh Wash is an all-natural solution specifically designed to wash produce. It will rid vegetables of pesticides, fungicides and herbicide residues, chemical contaminants, waxes, oils, animal wastes, dirt and increases the shelf life 2-3 times!! It is great for delicate fruit.
The first time I really noticed the impact that the Fresh Wash had on the shelf life of our produce was Christmas a few years ago. My mother-in-law had brought strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries to our house. We washed them with the Norwex Fresh Wash and served them to our guests. After dinner, we put the leftovers in the fridge. We then forgot about those yummy berries stashed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. More than eight days went by before we noticed that dish again. I took it out of the refrigerator, hesitant, and opened it slowly. I expected to find mushy, moldy berries. Instead…we found firm, delicious berries; they tasted just like they had eight days earlier! Yeah Fresh Wash!!
As I mentioned, my children take apples to school almost every day. I love the fact that my nine-year-old considers it important enough to stop at the sink on the way from the fruit bowl to his backpack to grab the Norwex Veggie and Fruit Scrub Cloth to wash his apple. Even a child can tell the difference between an apple straight from the store and one that has been quickly cleaned with our Norwex Veggie & Fruit Scrub Cloth!
The Norwex Fruit & Veggie Scrub Cloth cleans dirt and debris off fruits and veggies. It has a rough side for scrubbing and a soft side for polishing. We use it for apples, oranges, bananas, grapefruit, melons, plums, tomatoes and anything else that is firm and more easily scrubbed than soaked in the Norwex Fresh Wash.
Great information. We eat a LOT of fresh fruit and vegetables and I will be much more aware now and will use the Norwex fruit fresh and the cleaning cloth to clean my fruits and vegetables now. Thanks for letting me know about the dirty dozen, that we don’t even think about some times.
Wow! Sounds like the longer shelf life benefit would pay for the cleaning cloth and the wash in not time at all!
Scary. I forget how much pesticides and things are in our food. Thanks for the reminder.
I have just been using dishsoap and water on our apples, but there is still definitely oil residue left on there, even after scrubbing. Sounds like these will be my next purchases.
Great article. I wish we didn’t have all these chemicals in our foods, but this sounds like the next best thing to remove them all. How do I get a catalog?
Email me at suzanneholt(at) for a catalog. Thanks!
It truly is scary how many pesticides are in our food. I try to buy organic, but it is just so darn expensive. Still, when I think about it, how much is our health really worth? as far as berries go, they are a favorite of my daughter and mine. I can’t think of a time when they were actually forgotten. Spinach however…
We eat so much fruit at our house as well. We bring home fresh fruit and vegetables every time we come home from the store. Immediately after, I but them in fresh wash. Before we switched to Norwex, the fruit just sat in the fridge or on the counter until someone wanted it, then it was cleaned with water and some soap. That seems so disgusting now, especially since I know the ‘Dirty Dozen’.
Does the Norwex fruit and veggie scrub cloth remove pesticides?
Hi Sam. It removes everything that is on the surface of the fruit, leaving it truly clean. Thanks for stopping by!
Cool! Now, does the cloth need to be wet, like the antibac cloths?
Yes; it works better wet.
Can you go into more detail about how you use the fresh wash. It looks like it comes in a spray bottle. Do you just spray it on and leave it or rinse it off? Also how would you clean organic spinach that comes in the plastic containers. It says they are already clean, but I never trust that.
Hi Judy. You can spray it directly on the produce, but what I like to do is take a large bowl of water, add 1 cap-full of the Fresh Produce Wash, put a colander in the bowl, and then set my produce in the colander. I let it sit for about ten minutes before lifting the colander out and letting the produce drain. I then will put something else in the water if I have multiple items to clean at once.