Our Norwex Descaler is simply amazing.
If you have hard water, unattractive deposits can appear on china, porcelain, enamel, tile, stainless steel, fiberglass, chrome, and glass surfaces. Calcium and magnesium in water leave hard deposits called lime scale. Manganese leaves brownish or blackish stains. Bacteria that thrive in water with a high iron content leave a reddish or white slime. Brass and copper content in water are the result of acidic water, which can corrode plumbing and fixtures. If you have brass or copper fittings, you may end up with blue or green stains on fixtures.
NORWEX Descaler is effective in removing soap scum, lime build-up, scale and other stains in your bathrooms and kitchens! Simply spray on the surface and let sit for about 5-10 minutes. Wipe off with a moist Enviro Cloth before the surface dries. See the before and after pictures below as just one example what this great product can do!
Before: Whirlpool / Spa Jets coated in orange / rust colored lime build-up
After: Cleaned by spraying Norwex DeScaler, letting it sit for five minutes, and lightly brushing away the lime scale.
The Norwex DeScaler contains the same basic ingredients it always has: Water, orange extract, sodium gluconate, glutamic acid, and glucuronic acid*. It works quickly and does an amazing job. Our DeScaler is amazing at removing scale from toilet, showers, tubs and more! Some spots may take more than one treatment, but you will find that there is improvement after each use, and it takes longer for scale to build up after using the descaler.
Scale is a mineral deposit of calcium and/or magnesium that can leave white spots, and/or result in a whitish crust forming on shower, bath, sink, toilet and tap surfaces etc (this buildup may appear orange in color if the water is also high in iron). Scale is not black in color and is not another word for mold – so no, this product will not likely be effective to kill or remove mold from surfaces.
[The Norwex DeScaler is NOT for use in coffee pots or other food-ware products due to possible after-taste if not rinsed off adequately.]
Wondering about using a non-Norwex brand commercial lime remover? The most important thing to remember in using any product, especially a harsh chemical, is to read the instructions on the container carefully and follow all directions to protect your health.
*Please consult Norwex corporate office or contact me for a MSDS sheet if you have any questions about a specific ingredient in any of our products.
I received my Norwex Descaler as a gift last year and tried it on our downstairs shower/jacuzzi. The shower-head came out sparkling clean, and Jacuzzi jets did also! I loved that it is a spray that I could spray anywhere needed, leave it, and return to just wipe it away with my Bathroom Scrub Mitt.
I have hard water and had a major issue with lime build up that my mother bought DeScaler for me. I am impressed with the great job it does of cleaning off my shower door. It had tons of lime build up on it–but not anymore. An excellent product that I will be buying myself.
Your pictures of the jacuzzi jets just sold me. I also have a spa tub, and it’s so wonderful – but the jets are impossible to clean! I’ve noticed that my wife and I have been using it less and less this year, probably because we don’t want to clean it. I hope this works as well in my house as it has yours.
I have used all brands of descalers in the past. I first used Norwex while away on holiday and wouldn’t use anything else now!
Woah! it seems to work pretty good with that picture of it coming out that clean. I am impressed I have to say, you don`t find much of those types of cleaners that look as good as that. Scum watch out because Tony is coming through with his new cleaner!
That is both amazing… and kind of disgusting to see all the rust and scum on the whirlpool! It’s amazing how much stuff comes off when you use the Descaler.
can the descaler be used on my polocarbonate blender jar to take off the hard water deposits.
I have been using norwex for years but not sure if I can use the descaler on material like this jar.
Hi Jeanne. Norwex does not recommend using the Descaler on any food items. You may want to try Cleaning Paste.