Back to school is busy time of preparation with so many little things to remember. It can be easy, for the sake of convenience, to cut some corners when it comes to long term health for us and the planet. As you thoughtfully prepare for this year, have you made a plan for keeping your kids healthy and chemical free? Maybe even teaching them some lessons about a sustainable, responsible lifestyle?

Kids are so excited to see their friends again, but I want to make sure my kids are only sharing summer memories and not germs! This year, let’s load their backpacks with more than just school supplies. Norwex has so many products to help you live a toxin free, eco-friendly lifestyle even when you’re away from home. These are my top 4 must haves for back to school:
For the Backpack
My kids love Norwex’s Veggie and Fruit Scrub Cloth! Fruit and veggies from the school cafeteria can be quickly wiped down to remove waxes and other debris off. They can pass it around so their friends can use too! No one wants to get sick, especially during our sports season, so pack a Travel Enviro Cloth. The kids can wipe down their desks and chairs, the keyboard in the school library, etc. Lastly, I tuck in an Optic Cloth in case they need to remove the smudges from their glasses, iPad, or computer screen. These small cloths don’t weigh down their backpacks and will keep them healthier throughout the year.
For the Teacher
Norwex has amazing products that could help the teacher save time and money while creating a nontoxic, sustainable environment. An Enviro Cloth is such an easy tool to keep germs from spreading in school. Instead of using chemically saturated wipes in between each class, all the teacher has to do is wet down an Enviro Cloth and wipe down the desks. Even the kids could do this job. 99% of the germs will be removed just with water and this cloth! I am so appreciative of what teachers do everyday! Their job is tough, which is why I’ll be giving them Timeless Rescue Gel. This natural formula acts fast to relieve stress and tension. Screens can come back pretty smudged when kids use them, but the Tech Cleaning Cloth is a quick and reusable way to wipe them down. I’m sure your kids will be the teachers’ pet with these back to school gifts!
Go back to school prepared this year! Keep your kids healthy, the classroom chemical and germ-free, and the teacher relaxed with these Norwex products!
What would you add to this back to school list?
Three days into the school year my friends kids both came down with colds. I’m sending her this link so she can stock their backpacks. Amazing how many germs there are in our schools.