I saw this picture posted on a friend’s Facebook page recently and the quote really spoke to me.
I think of Steve Jobs, and the amazing vision he had. He created products that we all know and love, and that are a part of our daily lives. He followed his vision through to his very end days.
This quote from Steve says: “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.”
Those are POWERFUL words!
Don’t settle…how often do we settle for a boring 8:00 to 5:00 job because it’s convenient and safe, and something we’ve always known? How often do we settle for living a life that we aren’t passionate about, that doesn’t challenge us, that doesn’t satisfy our deep need to do something WORTHWHILE?
My career as an Independent Sales Consultant (and Vice President Sales Leader) with Norwex has been AMAZING. Like this quote says “my heart KNEW!” I can remember the first Norwex Conference that I attended in Winnepeg. I sat in the audience and I just KNEW that there was a plan that brought me to this company at this time. I heard the heart of the Leadership, and I found it reflecting the values and desires that I found in my own life. It was amazing. It felt like coming home.
Would you like to love what you do? I can share with you the wonderful business opportunity that Norwex provides. They offer you the ability to start your own business with no up-front costs, and you get to work with a team of wonderful, supportive consultants all across the United States.
You can find more details on my official Norwex site or in other posts on this blog. You can also just CONTACT ME to learn more. I would love to hear from you!
If you already ARE a Norwex consultant that is on my Dream Team OR on another team, I would love to hear your story. Please post a comment below and share a testimony on whether or not you have found something you love with Norwex.
People just get so comfortable and are afraid of change that finding something they love to do is not a priority, although it should be. You’re very lucky to be doing what you love!
It’s so true that we have to find work that we love. If you do find work you love, then you will be happy about doing your work. I feel so bad for people who have jobs they dislike, and you are so lucky to have a job that you are passionate about!