The Give Back Box is a great way to use up left over boxes from your online Christmas shopping this year!
As a busy Norwex consultant and mom, I receive lots of boxes in the mail. The UPS man knows our house very well! Between Norwex and Amazon, boxes can start to take over the garage and recycling can. This year, I was excited to find a non-profit-The Give Back Box- that helps people in need, and has a super easy way to use your boxes and get rid of stuff!
The “Give Back Box® provides vendor services to retailers and charities, giving each and every cardboard box a second life to help people in need.” To participate, all you need to do is fill up a cardboard shipping box (that you already have) with clothes and household items that you are ready to get rid of. Then, print off a free shipping label and either drop off or schedule pick up online. The partner will email a tax receipt to you when the box arrives. It’s so simple!
It creates a win-win for everyone! I find packing a box and scheduling pick up much more convenient than trying to remember to run by my local second hand store. I end up forgetting the box in the back of my car and wasting space. Plus, it’s eco-friendly because the box and your unwanted items receive a second life. I’m so excited to use this throughout the year!
Check out the Give Back Box to start 2025 on the right foot! What areas of your home are you hoping to declutter this year?
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