“And the stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas would soon be there…” I’m sure everyone has hung their cute stocking by the fireplace, but have you thought about what you will put inside? Stocking Stuffers can tend to be an after thought. I always got candy in mine, which was great when I was little, but as an adult, candy isn’t exactly what is used to be. This year, stuff your spouse or adult children’s stockings with care-with Norwex! Norwex has a couple great items that are small enough to fit in the stocking, but will make a big difference in someone’s day! Check out these 11 items that are not 11 Pipers Piping!Get yours today! The shipping deadline to receive before Christmas is December 16th!
1)Timeless Rescue Relaxation Gel
5)Travel Enviro Cloth (Set of 4)
10)Dryer Balls
CONTACT me today for more information, or you can SHOP ONLINE NOW. Thanks for stopping by!
~ Suzanne
I also love to throw in a package or 2 of the Norwex Spirinetts – they are loved by all who wash dishes!