Making our homes feel welcoming is important. The phrase “putting out the welcome mat” symbolizes inviting others into our homes and ultimately into our lives. Have you ever pondered that maybe the literal mat that you are rolling out for your guests may actually be causing your environment to be unhealthy? Watch the below video to learn more.
Eliminating 85% of home contaminants is worth the price of the Norwex Entry Mat. To clean the rug, you can simply vacuum it out, or brush it with our Norwex Rubber Brush. The best part of this mat might be the fact that unlike other welcome mats, you can also launder the entry mat. While you cannot put the mat into the dryer, d air drying will not take very long.
Now this is the way to say “welcome to my home!”
You can purchase this floor mat by SHOPPING ONLINE, or CONTACT ME for more information. I look forward to hearing from you!
~ Suzanne
This is such an interesting concept!
I always assumed that once I enter my home, I’m clean and away from the dirt and germs… now I find that I am highly mistaken!
Thank you, Norwex!