Looking for a deeper clean in your bathroom? The Norwex Descaler may be just what you’re looking for!
The Norwex Descaler is a product that REALLY works on hard water stains, rust stains, calcium buildup, and whatever else may be lurking in your bathroom. Check out these great “Before and After” Photos:
Norwex Descaler Cleans Whirpool Jets with Ease
Descaler Removes Cloudy White Hard Water Buildup
This Hot Tub was set for the trash heap until the Norwex Descaler made it look brand new!
One thing I love about our Descaler is it doesn’t have harsh chemicals in it like you will see in many other products on the market.
Wondering how it works? The Descaler comes in an easy-to-use spray bottle with an on/off nozzle; it’s very easy use. Spray your surface and let it sit for 10 minutes before you wipe it off. Be sure to give it time to do its full work and get the best results. Even though it’s so tempting to wipe it off early to see what is disappearing, it works best when you leave it on as instructed.
When it’s time to wipe the Descaler off of the surface being cleaned, you will get your absolute best results by wiping with the Norwex Enviro Cloth or Bathroom Scrub Mitt. The Enviro Cloth will pick up anything and everything off your surface giving you best clean possible. You can’t go wrong with the Enviro Cloth! For more stubborn build up, the abrasive side of the Bathroom Scrub Mitt is perfect.
The Descaler can be used on a regular basis or when you start to see buildup. I find that it works best for me personally to use it once a month and clean with the Bathroom Scrub Mitt and water in-between times. If you use it on a regular basis, however, you will find that future buildup is greatly reduced; it keeps your tubs and sinks in tip-top shape all the time. Who doesn’t love that “just cleaned” feeling when you walk into a bathroom??
One last thing to keep in mind with the Descaler…it’s not for use in any type of foodware container, so please don’t use it to try to get lasagna stains out of a Tupperware container. It is also not recommended for natural stone surfaces like tile or marble.
You can BUY THE DESCALER ONLINE or Contact Me for more information. Anxious to try it but on a tight budget? Contact me to find out about inviting some friends over for a home demo and receiving your Norwex Descaler for FREE!
Already a fan of our Descaler? I would love to hear your stories and see any before and after photos, so comment below or email me at suzanneholt@live.com.
Thanks for checking it out. Have a fabulous day!
~ Suzanne
I need to use this stuff! I have tried every cleaner on the market and I don’t like the way any of them make my bathroom look, feel or smell. The harsh ones take a lot of scrubbing and the spray on, wipe off stuff just smells bad and doesn’t do anything else. I see that you mention that this can be used on whirlpool tubs, but can it be used in a hot tub along with the chemicals used in it?
Is this safe enough to use on a boat in a larger lake? I wouldn’t want to harm the environment by having anything go right in to the water but I think this would clean props and waste hoses very well.
Absolutely. Norwex is committed to the environment, and our descaler is an excellent option for boats.
Can I run a little bit of descaled in my keurig coffee maker?
Yes, you can.