Happy Earth Day weekend!
Earth Day may seem like an excuse to talk about the issues we feel pressing in on us already through social media and the news. These issues seem so daunting that we might already feel defeated. But there is hope! Through years of raising awareness, companies that value eco-friendliness and sustainability, like Norwex, have been gaining bigger followings and have been able to offer alternative solutions. Actions speak louder than words, and companies with amazing customers, like you Norwex fans, show the watching world that the Earth is worth fighting for. Instead of mourning the state of the planet on Earth Day, take today to pat yourself on the back.
In the last few years, the idea of Zero Waste Living has been gaining a following. This philosophy seeks to “send nothing to a landfill. We reduce what we need, reuse as much as we can, send little to be recycled, and compost what we cannot” (goingzerowaste.com). This is a total re-assessment and lifestyle makeover. It can seem overwhelming, but what if every Earth Day we re-assessed one area of life and found zero waste solutions. Maybe this year, it is committing to no disposable paper products. Maybe the next year you find a bulk/zero waste grocery store. What if the next year, you found cosmetics that use more eco-friendly packaging. What if every year, you found a way to consume less? Imagine the impact you would have over a lifetime! We underestimate how many small things add up over our lifetime, for better or worse.
Norwex has so many products to help you start the zero waste lifestyle! Let’s check out 10 of my favorites!
- Stainless Steel Straws– Did you know the average person uses a plastic straw for about 20 minutes before it gets discarded? Furthermore, Americans use them at an average rate of 1.6 straws per person per day. This little beverage delivery device is convenient, but at what cost? Norwex Stainless Steel Straws are reusable and easy to clean. Tuck them in your purse so they are handy when you’re on the go!
- Reusable Produce Bags– Bring these Norwex produce bags to the grocery store, farmers market, and definitely to a zero waste/bulk grocery store near you!
- Reusable Grocery Bags– And don’t forget the grocery bags for the rest of the items. I also love using reusable bags because I don’t have a wad of plastic bags with no place to go hiding in my cupboard.
- Facial Pads– Quit buying cotton balls and Q- tips after you invest in the Norwex Facial Pads. All you need is water and a Norwex cloth to touch up!
- Norwex Napkins– This product is amazing because not only does it eliminate your need for disposable paper napkins, but they are also made out of recycled plastic water bottles. You can consume less and while cleaning up the mess!
- Counter Cloths– You can quit buying paper towels when you invest in the Norwex Counter Cloths! They are super absorbent and can be reused several times before laundering. You will cut way back on disposable paper products with these!
- Bottle Brush and Sleeve– Do you ever use the dish wand in your kitchen? It is convenient, but also wasteful. Typically, you end up using more dish soap than you need and the sponge at the end needs to be changed frequently. There really is no good way to clean a sponge; they just need to be tossed and replaced. The Norwex Bottle Brush system lets you keep the design concept of the dish wand, but eliminates the sponge!
- Silicone Lids– Plastic wrap usually heads to the landfill after only one use, plus it can be tedious to use! Norwex Silicone Lids are super easy to use and are reusable! There is something for every size dish!
- Envirosponge: Like I said before, sponges can’t really be cleaned, only discarded and replaced. The EnviroSponge has 2 sides and self-purifies after use!
- Norwex Toothbrush– Instead of replacing the whole toothbrush when the bristles wear off, the Norwex toothbrush lets you just replace the head with the bristles! It is a great way to cut back on unnecessary plastic use!
Overall, when you make the switch to Norwex microfiber, you are making a huge impact on the Earth. Since you don’t have to use a paper towel or sponge with a plastic bottle full of chemicals for every specific situation, you’ll be cutting back on so much extra!
I don’t think I’ve purchased paper napkins in more than a year. I love my Norwex napkins!