In most schools, protecting the environment is emphasized. In April. Right around Earth Day. Yet this should be a focus all year long. Although classrooms may not have time to emphasize this important concept, we can take the time at home to help our kids to make positive changes that will help to save the earth.
Most of these concepts are simple ones, and as usual, they start with us as parents leading by example.
- BYOB. Bring your own bottle – of water that is. Make sure that it is BPA free. Drinking fountains are notorious for germs. By sending water bottles, you are also protecting the health of your family.
- Along the same line, avoid being water wasters. Demonstrate the importance of turning off the water while brushing teeth. Encourage shorter showers. Run the dishwasher only when full. Only wash big loads of laundry rather than smaller ones throughout the week. Teach kids to plan ahead – if they want to wear a shirt for school pictures on Friday, they need to not wear the shirt on Wednesday. When we rush, we definitely can forget to save water.
- Save electricity. Choose to use a clothes line to dry clothes in nicer weather. Leave the lights off if there is adequate sunshine for lighting. Teach kids early on to unplug chargers or turn off devices when they are not being used. While this may not be the best idea with your refrigerator, many items do not need to be plugged in all of the time. Kids do tend to have lots of gadgets that require electricity – only allow them on special occasions. Maybe this practice will help to actually get outdoors and enjoy the outside environment more.
- Whenever possible, choose recycled products. Hopefully you read my earlier post about going green this school year and were able to follow some of my suggestions. I want to emphasize again just how many options are out there for recycled items. Back in my day, recycled paper was a new concept, and now they have definitely expanded to include backpacks, as well pencils, markers and even scissors that are composed of recycled materials.
- Use Norwex. Honestly switching from using chemicals to using only Norwex has been the best way to show my kids the importance I personally place on saving the environment. After reading the company’s purpose statement, you cannot help but be convinced on the necessity of reducing chemical usage. I can help you place your first order or even better yet tell you all about how easily you can earn free Norwex products by hosting a party. If you are interested in taking a step further, I would also love to tell you more about the blessings of being a Norwex consultant. This company has truly changed my life and the life of my family. Please contact me if you have any further questions.
What ways do you teach your children about saving the environment as you go about your daily lives?
~ Suzanne
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