The wintertime can be hard on a lot of people. This year especially, given the global pandemic that has swept the nation this past year. Do you ever wonder if there are some easy ways to help impact your community? I have compiled three effective ways that you can help your own community this winter.
Make an Impact in Your Community
The Give Back Box
The mission statement of this simple and effective way to reach out is “to provide an effortless and convenient method of donating your used household items.” What this entails is taking any cardboard box that you have received a shipment from, and filling it with household items or clothing that you no longer have a need for.
On the Give Back Box official website, they provide you a prepaid shipping label to print and attach to your box. Then, drop off your box at any regular UPS or FedEx location for shipping, where it will then be shipped to a retailer or charity in need. Given the fact that the company encourages you to reuse your cardboard boxes, it is a “green” solution.
The second half of their mission statement is, “Give Back Box not only provides an easy way to be a part of a truly good cause, it gives a secondary use to corrugated boxes and guarantees they will be recycled… So this is an all-round CSR & Sustainability solution.” All other information on this can be found on https://givebackbox.com, along with more detail on the steps needed to take in order to properly undergo this form of donating.
Volunteering is still possible
Another way to help your communities this winter is by volunteering at local charities or organizations. It is completely understandable if you do not currently feel comfortable or able to volunteer right now. However, if you are able to, so many places would greatly appreciate your help. Most places to volunteer right now are doing an excellent job in undertaking social distance rules and finding creative ways to do so. I personally know a teenage girl who is volunteering at our local food shelf once a week, and she has said that not only is the experience rewarding, but she now better recognizes the needs within her own community.
Whatever local organizations you have around you, I would encourage you to reach out and discover if they need volunteers and how they are dealing with social distancing this time of the year. If you feel comfortable with the actions they are taking and if you can find a little extra time in your week, sign you or you and your family up to volunteer somewhere just once. By giving up a bit of time and dedicating it to people in need, I can assure you that not only will you impact your community greatly, but you will also experience the great rewards of feeling as if you made a difference.
Be Generous
One last way that you can give back this winter is simply by donating your unneeded items or by generously giving a little money to local charities and organizations. If you would rather not donate physically in person, donating your money virtually to other notable charities is greatly appreciated. Whatever you feel most drawn to give to, whether that be a cancer research, awareness facility, environmental protection programs, an education-based non-profit, or so many other possibilities, giving back just a sliver of your income can make the biggest difference.
I hope that you feel able to take advantage of these opportunities and that if you do, that you would feel like you made a difference. Remember, you do not need to do anything drastic, the biggest changes come from everyone doing something small, and from the heart. It only takes a single spark to light a way and a path for someone in need. Have a wonderful New Year of 2021!
~ Suzanne
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