Have you ever felt like some things are just meant to be?
Wondered how you could juggle the profession of motherhood and a career?
For so many women, Norwex is the perfect balance to exercising their talents and nurturing their children. For Lindsay Norman, the decision to stay home with her children and start a career in Norwex has been the key to this season of life. Not only does is bring a purposeful career, but it gives you the flexibility to invest in the area of life you love most. Check out Lindsay’s story below:
“Prior to Norwex, my husband and I both had full-time careers where we traveled. We loved our work and both found lots of joy and fulfillment in what we did. When our first two boys came along, we decided that it wasn’t possible for us both to work full time and travel. Family has always been a huge focus for us. Our parents poured into us. We wanted to do the same for our kids. But staying home terrified me. I wanted to do it more than anything because I loved my kids and wanted to be present for them as they grew, but I knew God gave me talents and skills that I would need to lay down if I chose to stay home. When our third boy came, I had been home for over 18 months. I was in the throws of being an at home mom. I secretly searched daily for part time jobs for an outlet. At the same time, I prayed for God to give me contentment and joy in the daily life with my children.
At this point, I had been invited to 5 Norwex parties. In-home parties were never my thing. I would go to them on occasion for the social aspect, but never would I host one in my home. When invited repeatedly to the Norwex cleaning parties, I didn’t give it a second thought. It was always no. Not me. No way. Too expensive. My friends had been telling me about these magical cloths for years. My background was marketing and I was sure they all fell into the biggest scam of their life. I was so wrong. The fifth party I was invited to, I went to. Of course, I had no intentions of buying anything. This at home momma just needed a night of reprieve from raising three crazy (and absolutely awesome) little boys. That night, I won a mini enviro cloth in a drawing. It changed my whole life.
I vowed to never do direct sales. Never. Let me say it again…NEVER! But when I started using that cloth, I saw how simple and easy my life could become in a day. Who knew one could get so excited about a cloth and water. Seriously…It sounds silly, but it was such a game changer for me because I cared deeply about the health and wellness of my family. So after getting over my pride from vowing never to join direct sales, I did it. I jumped in. While I loved sharing it with family and friends, I made a vow that I would never “recruit.” I knew what it had felt like to be recruited from people at other companies and I never wanted to do that to people. Ever.
6 months into Norwex, I realized this company was different. Really different. What we were doing was creating a movement that was changing lives. We weren’t just selling “stuff.” I wanted people on this journey with me. After all, you can make a greater difference with more people, right? So I began to offer the business opportunity to people. Crazy enough…people were saying YES! What?! For real?! Yes. In the next year, my team grew to over a hundred. I even managed to reach the top 10 in sales in the US and top 10 in recruiting. It was like my heart was finally home. God didn’t give me gifts and talents to waste them. He gave me the desires of my heart – to stay home with my kids and use my talents to impact others in a positive way.
Three and a half years in, I find myself totally content. My kids and business are thriving. My greatest joy in my business is to raise up leaders and to do demos in people’s homes. When my leaders begin to dream and see what they can accomplish with Norwex, it makes my heart beat faster. I love it! And there is nothing like reaching a new person who has never heard of Norwex when I’m doing a demo. It never gets old. So, until God changes the direction of this ship, I am all in with this gig. I am home. And I am deeply grateful for Norwex and the mission I get to be part of.”
Thank you so much for sharing Lindsay! You are a hard-working and talented business woman, leader, and mom! I admire all you’ve done! If you would like to get in touch with Lindsay, check out her website at: https://lindsaynorman.norwex.biz/
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