What could be worse than toxic chemicals crashing your safe haven?
It’s hard to beat, but lack of positive words, and definitely negative ones, can be just as stale or toxic!
Today is National Compliment Day! It’s a great day to start creating safe havens in your relationships with positive words! When we give compliments, so often we get stuck on the surface- “I like your purse!” “Where did you get your hair done? It’s perfect!” “Your Norwex cleaning products work amazing!” -but try to go past the material and compliment who they are (if you know them well enough). Check out these other suggestions to make the day fantastic:
1. Compliment a stranger
Complimenting friends and co-workers on National Compliment Day is a given, but step out of your comfort zone and compliment people you don’t even know. Gas station attendants, Starbucks baristas, bank tellers, the grumpy worker at the DMV — everyone’s worthy of receiving a compliment.
2. Spread the good vibes on social media
Even though an in-person compliment may seem more genuine, what matters is making people feel good about themselves. Be sure to use the hashtag #NationalComplimentDay to reach more of them.
3. Challenge friends, family and coworkers
See if you can get friends and family to compliment at least one person. Spreading good cheer is contagious. – NationalToday.com, 2019
Think of compliments like Norwex Odour Eliminator– fresh, happy smell/feeling for a few minutes, but then fading into an stink-free, toxin-free atmosphere! BTW- Norwex now has 3 Odour Eliminator fragrances- Misty Meadow, Crisp Linen, and Fresh Rain. I like each smell, but love that after awhile I don’t smell them or the previous stink.
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