Have you ever considered starting a “side hustle?” What is it anyways?
A side hustle is employment that you can pick up for a season to make some quick money or anything in addition to your full-time job. It’s often something a person is passionate about rather than a typical job to make ends meet. It is usually a low commitment or a short commitment during that time period. The market has recently exploded with different gig opportunities and many people are jumping in to take advantage of this type of work. They are jobs that you can book around your priorities, which might be your regular full-time job, family, or schooling.
Why get a side hustle?
Some people like to use their side hustle to pay off debt or save money for a specific purchase like down payment on a house or a dream vacation. Your side hustle can cover the “extras” in life. Christmastime is a common time when people pick up an extra job to cover holiday expenses, but you could do it anytime – to pay off student loans, save for vacation, or send your kids to camp.
How do I decide which side hustle is right for me?
Each gig is unique to an individual and situation, but it is up to you! It depends on what you like to do or how you like to work. Here are a few questions you could work through when deciding what is for you:
- Do you have a special skill, knowledge, or passion that you could share with others? Maybe you could teach a class at a yoga studio, or music lessons, or tutoring.
- Do you like to make your own schedule or have someone else make it? There are many organizations that need evening and weekend employees and they may give you kick backs that add value, like a receiving a discount to a favorite store or receiving a free membership from the gym you work at.
- Do you like to engage with others while you work or be independent? For some, their full-time job depletes a lot of social energy so you might want your side hustle to be more independent. Maybe you could sell items on an online store- books, old furniture, etc.
- Do you have equipment that you could use to start something up? One of the major demands in the “gig economy” is driving for companies, like Lyft or Uber, but a suitable vehicle with insurance is needed to participate. You could start using your camera to do photography or your computer to start a blog.
Could direct sales be your side hustle?
If you’re in the camp of:
- wanting to share a passion
- wanting to make your own schedule
- wanting to work with others and independently
- and have minimal equipment
… then direct sales, specifically Norwex, could totally be for you! Having a passion for something, like a cause or lifestyle, may work itself out in areas of the product you sell. For example, I LOVE to save time and money so it makes so much sense for me to clean with Norwex. I have other friends who are super label conscious and want to save the environment so they bring their hippy love to the Norwex table. In direct sales, you get to make your own schedule! You decide when you want to work and how much you want to work. It’s the best of both worlds- you get to do parties, engaging with others, but also spend time working on your business alone. And, minimal equipment is involved- just the inventory you want to have on hand!
So what makes Norwex a great side hustle?
Norwex is an amazing direct sales company to work with! Their mission is to “improv[e] quality of life by radically reducing chemicals in our homes.” The mission is right on pulse with how consumers are being driven right now, with a desire to know what is in the products they buy and purchase sustainable options. Norwex helps their customers save time, money, their health, and the environment with their cleaning products.
Consultants receive 35% discount / commission on all the products they sell / purchase. I’ve seen quite a few direct sales situations, and Norwex is one of the most generous and has a simple pay structure.
The Norwex Starter Kit (aka “the equipment”) is FREE when you sell $2000 of product in the first 90 days. The kit is $200 if this goal is not met, but it is a still a small investment in terms of starting a business. Norwex also has other incentives for meeting sales goals and is very generous with their product. Check out the flyer below!
What do you think about starting a side hustle? Which one do you think could be for you?
If you’re in the direct sales camp, then let’s talk! I’d love to help you get started!
Ready to become a Norwex consultant?
Join Norwex today and start moving toward whatever goals you want this side hustle to help you achieve!

Working with Norwex will be a dream come through for me because of the independence to work and many other benefits you get with them.
Coming on board guys!
I’ve always been someone who keeps an eye open for ways to make money. I love nabbing things on sale and turning around to sell them online to people who can’t make time to go to the store. I love making crafts too, but that’s so hard to get in touch with the right market for those (art expos are pretty hard to manage for someone with a busy lifestyle, anyway).
But if Norwex is as easy as you’re making it sound, then I’ve got a New Year’s resolution right here: finding people who want to clean better, like me! And getting the starter kit for free would be incredible! Do you think it’d work out if I found family, friends, and neighbors who are willing to buy through me before I get the kit, to make sure I can get $2k in sales right away? I’m not sure how the whole thing works!