When I was younger, plastics were the new thing. In fact, until the introduction of the 2-liter container, most soda pop on a larger scale could only be found in glass bottles. Funny how far we have come from celebrating the advent of plastics to being a bit concerned. As we should be.
According the EPA, the amount of plastic entering streams and rivers has increased from one percent to twelve percent over the past almost fifty years. That is a rather staggering jump. What is the main culprit? Items from beverage bottles to cylinders of shampoo to cleaner containers. That is correct. While this blog has obviously addressed the harm that chemicals in cleaners can cause, have you ever pondered that the receptacle holding the cleaner cold be just as harmful?
The more cleaners we buy, the more containers are made. Even if you buy a refill bottle that will not help since that container is even bigger than the normal size. Perhaps you can recycle the bottle, yet would you really want the chemical residue from the cleaner being reduced into the atmosphere? Radically reducing chemicals in the home is always the goal of the Norwex products. All along this company has also radically been reducing plastics as well.
Two key suggestions from the EPA on solving this plastic dilemma is to reduce and reuse. Two Norwex easy solutions: choose an Enivocloth over a cylinder of sanitizing wipes. Choose a Norwex Window Polishing Cloth over Window Cleaner. Look at all of the items on your grocery list you already no longer have to buy just by using these two cloths. Since both of these cloths can be laundered, you have the reuse part covered.
But, wait just a second you say, doesn’t Norwex sell cleaners in bottles too? Indeed, you are correct. The last emphasis that the EPA makes on controlling plastics is recycling. Looking at the tiny numbers on the bottom, you will observe that the Norwex bottles can in fact be recycled. Plus, since the cleaners are in a concentrated form, less plastic is needed to hold them. Double bonus!
Properly disposing of the bottles is the key. Taking care of waste products ensures that less of these materials take a trip down the river. Why does that even matter? Because since you what you eat, I am pretty sure that you do not want to turn into plastic. This video is an excellent reminder of the need to be aware of how we treat the items that we own.
Potential End Result of Plastics
We can all do our part to save the environment. Using fewer plastic items is one simple solution. Want to see additional new Norwex products? Please check out my online catalog.
Have you or your family committed to reducing your plastic consumption? What steps are you taking?
Thanks for stopping by!
~ Suzanne
It is so sad to see the pollution in the environment today. I’m always looking for more ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle to keep the Earth in tip-top shape!