Kid messes can really try your patience, but Norwex has lots of ways to help keep up. If you have little kids at home, you know how certain areas can get more wear and tear than the average home. I was recently with one of my friends, and she was showing me what happened when her house got a case of the “grubbies.” Kids bring so much joy and are worth every bit of work, but she was excited to see how effectively Norwex cleaned these tough areas. Let’s see all the kid messes cleaned with just Norwex, and no chemicals!
Random Crusty Mess
Sometimes, you run into a mess as a parent and wonder what in the world that could be and how it got there. My friend found this kind of mess on her child’s play kitchen and, not knowing what it could be, got to work with the Norwex Cream Cleaner. This stuff tackles whatever gunk, muck and gook you might find with its gentle yet effective formula. It uses baking soda and microfine mineral powder to deep clean gently. The play kitchen sink was restored, back to normal!

Stained Chairs
Kids will make mistakes, especially during mealtime. We’re not supposed to cry over spilled milk, but when it starts to cause staining on chair cushions, you might start to tear up. Thankfully, the Norwex Carpet Stain Remover was able to use its USDA biobased certified enzyme-based solution to break down most of these stains!

The Dreaded Back Seat of the Car
One of the places you like to forget about as a parent is the backseat. It’s so easy to get busy, throw some drive-thru meals back there, and then return to a big, gross mess. My friend had just got back from a road trip with her 4 kids and got to work with her Shop Vac, Norwex EnviroScrubs, Heavy Duty Degreaser, and All-Purpose Cream Cleaner.

This is what is left after Shop Vaccuming. Next, she sprayed down all the cup holders with Heavy Duty Degreaser. It is just what you need to break down oil from fast food. Let it sit a few minutes, then come back over it with the EnviroScrub. Scrub it, reapply if you think there is another layer that needs to come up.

Finally, take the Utility Brush and All-Purpose Cream Cleaner and start scrubbing out the crevices . Can you believe the transformation?

Icky Sticky Chair or High Chair
The Heavy Duty Degreaser is also a must have for your kid’s high chair or toddler chair! Again, this formula cuts through the food grease and gets rid of that grimy feel. Just spray with the diluted Degreaser, let it sit for a couple minutes, and then wipe down with EnviroCloth or EnviroScub. Be sure to test on an inconspicuous spot if it is a chair with paint or stain you don’t want ruined.

Unfortunately, some children have a problem with bedwetting longer than others. While rubber mattress protectors and waterproof pads are the best preventative measures, the Norwex Mattress Cleaner and Odour Eliminator works well when you need to freshen up. The Mattress Cleaner is a biodegradable formula that works quickly to eliminate organic waste. Go over it with the Odour Eliminator that works to remove the source of the odor instead of just covering it up since it is an enzyme-based formula.
Grubby Walls
No matter how many times you tell your kids to wash their hands, they are bound to escape every now and then, and, inevitable, put their unwashed outside hands or greasy after-dinner fingers on your walls. But don’t worry! Just grab an EnviroCloth and the Cleaning Paste and get to work.

Being a parent is hard work, but with some Norwex in your life, hopefully you’ll feel like you can keep your sanity with kid messes and enjoy the little ones you work so hard to keep happy and healthy!
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