Welcome back to the Dream Team Leader of the Month series! This is a series where we shine our spotlight on the excellent leadership within the Dream Team! These are real people who are transparent with their stories about climbing the ladder in Norwex. They are honest about what Norwex means to them, and how Norwex impacts those around them. They have graciously shared this information to encourage other consultants in their business and to inspire them to dream BIG!! Today, we will meet Megan Slate, an Executive Sales Leader. I am excited to share her story with you!
Megan’s relationship with Norwex started with reluctance, a feeling I’ve heard a few times! She never wanted to go to a Norwex party or any home party because they made her hot, sweaty and uncomfortable. By her third invite to a Norwex party, Megan gave in to her friend’s sweet text and began her journey. She heard some of the facts about her favorite chemicals-sanitizing wipes. For example, the solution spread by sanitizing wipes needs to sit 4 minutes to kill all the germs! She remembered how growing up, she used to take special precautions when using Round-Up on her family’s farm and compared that to her unprotected use of chemicals within her home. She was shocked and was determined to change her lifestyle!
After a year, she was done with chemicals and invested in Norwex! Coincidentally, her seasonal allergies were gone, her husband, Micheal, stopped snoring, and her children Gracie (4) and Samuel (2) no longer had rashes in the bathtub. The health benefits of Norwex had her hooked!
Her move from Minnesota to North Carolina marked a big shift in her business. She had spent two years in Minnesota growing her team and income, and left that all behind in hopes of a new market. She was very determined to keep having fun and showing people the wonders of Norwex cloths and water, just like she had before. There was no momentum for awhile, but she endured. Her patience paid off and her calendar is now the busiest its ever been! Congratulations Megan!!
Norwex has continued to impact her family’s health in an even more significant way. In early 2015, the Slate’s daughter Gracie (3 at the time) was diagnosed with high-functioning autism. They started researching ways to help Gracie and were led to the Son-Rise Program in Massachusetts. They visited a homeopathic doctor, went gluten and dairy-free, all organic, bought great vitamins, and visited a well-known neurosurgeon. All of this has been worth every penny, but Megan is truthful that this would not have been possible without Norwex. Norwex provided them with the savings to invest in their daughter’s health. What an amazing blessing!
Megan is so grateful for the opportunities that Norwex has given herself and her family. She gets to educate people about a product she loves and gets paid to do it! She gets to be her own boss, make her own schedule, and stay home with her kids. She says, “It. is. Awesome! If you’ve never considered doing this job, start to dream. You never know where you might land.” Your persistence and light-hearted attitude is so inspiring Megan! I’m excited to see where your business takes you in 2016!
To contact Megan, you can reach her through her Norwex website.
~ Suzanne
This is so encouraging to read – way to go Megan! Glad to see the difference Norwex has made in your family 🙂