The CDC currently recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings , such as the grocery store or pharmacy, where community-based transmission of viruses is high. However, face masks are in high demand right now, and it’s proving difficult to find them to purchase. So, I’m going to share some of the great ideas out there from other people on how to make a DIY face mask of your own!
Some ideas involve sewing, while others are quick no-sew options. I’ll share a number of these ideas with you in this post. Creating a DIY face mask to wear in public is a voluntary public health measure that protects others, during the COVID-19 pandemic. A face mask prevents droplets from your mouth and nose from spreading to others, or landing on surfaces others would touch. This is an additional measure that individuals can take at this time as another step in flattening the curve.
Remember to…
The CDC advises that Cloth masks should: fit snugly, include multiple layers, and be washable without damaging the material. So remember to keep these guidelines in place when creating your mask!
Material for Your DIY Face Mask
For material, you can use a t-shirt, scrap fabric, a bandana, socks, or other creative ideas to create your homemade mask. You can purchase elastic material to attach your mask over your ears, or use items from around your home, such as hair elastics or thin scrunchies.
Norwex began testing their microfiber a few weeks ago, to test how permeable the fabric was. They found that the Window Cloth fabric was able to filter out 60% of 0.4-micron-sized particles. Which means that if you have a Window Cloth at home, you could even use that to create your own mask!
Norwex is currently in the production phase of a Norwex Personal Use Re-useable Mask, using the Window Cloth material. The added benefit of a mask made with Norwex microfiber is that it contains BacLock, so it has additional self-purifying qualities. These masks are expected to be available at the beginning of May. So in the meantime, you’ll want to create something of your own!
No Sew Option
If you’re not a pro at using the sewing machine, there are easy options for you!
Here’s quick video tutorial from @bridgetbragerhair, showing how to make a quick homemade face mask using a bandana and hair ties:
Here’s a site with the same instructions, but as a picture tutorial:
If you want to make temporary DIY face mask from a Norwex Window Cloth you have at home, another consultant has shared a tutorial. This method has slightly different folds, compared to the above bandana methods, to accomodate the additional thickness of this fabric:
If you want something a little more permanent, here’s a no-sew tutorial video from Lisa Mecham. She uses fabric glue to attach everything together.
There’s also a SUPER quick option using clean socks and a pair of scissors:
DIY Face Mask using a Sewing Machine
If you know your way around a sewing machine, Lisa Mecham also has a video on how to sew a mask. This mask contains a pocket for a filter. Again, use material you have around home, or a Norwex Window Cloth (If you cut your Window Cloth, it won’t fray)!
You can find more details about homemade masks and suggested guidelines from the CDC here: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/diy-cloth-face-coverings.html
In the meantime, stay safe!
Trying to buy a Norwex personal face mask
Hi Lisa. They aren’t available yet. We hope to have them by early May.