If you stay home with your kids in the summer, or if they have a nanny / babysitter watching them, movies and performances are a great option to get out of the house. I found a few events in the Twin Cities, Minnesota that offer free movies and performances during the summer.
In efforts to provide a safe, family friendly, evening activity, the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board came out with a schedule of outdoor movies around the Twin Cities. This service is called Movies in the Parks and has one movie a night Monday – Saturday all summer starting at 8:30pm (or 15 minutes after sunset). Each night has a different movie, at a different park location around the Twin Cities. You will want to check the schedule ahead of time to plan which movies you will want to attend, the Movie Rating scale ranges anywhere from G to PG-13. I would also recommend getting there far before the movie starts to try to get a parking spot & good seat. BYOS – Bring Your Own Seat, blankets, snacks, etc. And stay updated on Weather Cancellations.
This site also has a Music in the Parks schedule if you would like to check out local music artists. Location and times vary each day, so make sure to look at the schedule ahead of time.
The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra also has some great FREE opportunities for kids. For children under 6, they have Target Free Family Music events that are structured just for little ears. Sign up for their newsletter to find out when these performances will happen. For children ages 6-17, the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra allows free admission with the purchase of an adult ticket for most performances! This is a great way to get out and introduce your kids to the arts!
Marcus Theaters also has discount prices available for families too! Check out all their options HERE!
I hope you have a great time!
~ Suzanne
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