A Mom-on-the-go will love the gift of convenience!
We will not be wrapping up any turtle doves today, but I do have some ideas for the mom-on-the-go in your life. She is concerned about keeping her kids healthy and her lifestyle convenient so she has more time with them. She may have an overflowing diaper bag and a stocked car organizer, but there are some areas where you can help her cut clutter and be efficient.
Travel Pack
Does your mom-on-the-go sport her shopping cart/restaurant seat cover at every trip? Does she carry a pouch full of antibacterial wipes everywhere she goes? Public kid zones can be very gross and germ-y, but with the Travel Pack, you can reduce some more clutter from the diaper bag. These Travel Enviros pack a lot of punch! The wet microfiber fingers pick up everything in their path- dirt, grime, germs- and trap them within the cloth. After she wipes down the cart or seat, the cloth finishes the cleaning process by self-purifying so it is ready for the next trip. These also would fit in the Reusable Wet Wipes Bag!

Baby Body Cloths
or Mini Body Pack: These cloths are ideal for runny noses, sticky fingers, messy faces, and even a wet bum! And, they will save her a trip to that local “big box store” for more baby wipes. Just wet down with water and they are ready for use! They are made of soft microfiber that wipes away the dirt without making skin raw. After use, just rinse off. The BacLock™ feature will self-purify the cloth so it will be clean and ready for the next snack-time. They come in a pack of 3 so you can split them between kids or rotate them.

Reusable Wet Wipes Bag
This Reusable Wet Wipes Bag pairs perfectly with the Baby Body Pack! There are two pockets inside the water-resistant bag, where she can keep used or wet cloths; and one outside the bag, where dry or unused cloths can be kept. This is a cute and convenient place to keep the wipes and will clear up space in her diaper bag. Instead of carrying around a brick of wipes or remembering to refill a small pouch with disposable wipes, she can just carry around one pouch, with all the wipes her kids need.
Optic Scarf
With kids reaching for your sunglasses or smartphone, you’re bound to get smudges! Wipe them away quickly with a Norwex Optic Scarf. It is not only practical, but it can clip to a purse buckle and be a cute accessory!

All Around Kids Blanket
When you are out and about with your littles, you never know when a blanket will come in handy! Norwex’s All Around Kids Blanket is big, but lightweight, making it so versatile to your changing needs. Use it to breastfeed, as a changing mat, to tuck in a baby for a nap, or make a picnic for a toddler. It’s up to you! The microfiber contains the BacLock feature so it will self-cleanse once you’re done with it! Who ever heard of a kid item that cleans up after itself?!

Give your mom-on-the-go the gift of convenience and more time with family this Christmas! She’ll be thankful you thought of it!
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